Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Commercial Insurance Providers Does Anyone Know Of A Commercial Insurance Provider For My Dump Trucking Company?

Does anyone know of a commercial insurance provider for my dump trucking company? - commercial insurance providers

I am looking for a new provider of commercial insurance. My current provider does not treat me very well, but I pay about $ 40,000 per year for the compensation of employees, and cover for my truck and trailer.

I run a small transportation in Illinois canceled. Has anyone a provider of commercial insurance that could work for me?

Thank you!


mbrcatz said...

Well, as you know, are not the kind of companies are ready to go.

My guess is, the car will be presented as progress, and we might try to state employees fund model for a portion of a draft of it.

Your options are limited because of the size of your bank account - which is a lot of money for you, I know, but in the insurance industry created the world, about $ 3000 commissions - and deemed a trifle. Sorry.

SoCal said...

She said:
** But in the insurance world, generates about $ 3000 commission - and classified as a snack. Sorry .**

My answer: It's not always about the commission of * * the estimated needs premium to the cost of the potential risk of loss (to cover your company) and as you know your responsibility in all of the lines is approximately $ 1 million and the premium is not sufficient, in some cases.

Back to your question: Get plenty of competative quotes from the extension. In addition to the correct state funds to some major direct writer (Liberty Mutual, Hartford, Allstate, etc.) can also agencies that specialize in your industry.

RLI Insurance (Risk transportaion)

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