Saturday, December 12, 2009

What To Clean A Trailer What Will Clean, Disinfect And Get The Smell Of Mouse Urine Out Of A Child Bike Trailer?

What will clean, disinfect and get the smell of mouse urine out of a child bike trailer? - what to clean a trailer

We bought a trailer bike with friends who do not have the status of this before too. It appears that some mice came and unleashed soemthing terrible. It is made of material similar store there, what can I use to clean with?


Allison said...

They have a common problem with a harsh response. What you need for your odor is an odor neutralizer, deodorant, and you need to clean or disinfect a typical disinfectant (Lysol, etc..) However, in the beginning they can not combine the two (act no offensive odor neutralizing odors and disinfect all - so if you spray, then with a neutralizer neutralizer is working to fight against the smell of disinfectant, not), the actual smell.

The best way to remedy this is the first trailer with hot water (no chemicals or soap / etc clear). Http:// spray once dry, the odor neutralizer (Renzuit like me ... and rest for a day or 2, make sure the smell is gone, and repeat, if not the process.

Once the smell is gone, I would advise a disinfectant wipe (test GymWipes - for fitness, not his supporters do not plan your outfit damage that ... remains clean and dry waste, disinfectant before you continue.

Hope this helps!

srbyn1 said...

Try white vinegar undiluted, Heather. You may need to make a couple of times, but it will work. Whatever you do, do not use ammonia to ammonia even more disgusting.

srbyn1 said...

Try white vinegar undiluted, Heather. You may need to make a couple of times, but it will work. Whatever you do, do not use ammonia to ammonia even more disgusting.

Kathy P said...

If the surface is colorfast, use diluted bleach solution. And a paste of baking soda in the region and let sit for a while, the smell. If the surface should not be used PineSol.

gamemast... said...

For 1 / 2 cup of bleach, use 1 / 4 cup water. Macchia, let yourself thoroughly for 5 minutes with the hose, towel dry, so that evaporated for each access to the water sid in the sun.

DavidNH said...

Try Lysol. If nothing else, disinfect the trailer, and mask the smell.

As You Wish said...

Vinegar for the smell ... Disinfectants for cleaning and disinfection

Pinkie Pie said...

I would try to over 409 with a cloth or papertowel. Frankly, I'm not sure, but no one answered, so I thought about as useful as I can!

Sorry: [just tryin to help

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