Saturday, December 19, 2009

Port Royal Patch Will Reward Best Answer: How Did People In Port Royal Speak In The Late 1600s?

Will reward best answer: How did people in port royal speak in the late 1600s? - port royal patch

In my last book that I need to know how to know British life in Port Royal in 1965, was to speak. :)
I know that speak English, but I'm not sure it would talk like "Pirates of the Caribbean, for example, or instead of the" s "on verbs with" e "(credit) or talk to a person who says" you "instead of" you ".


Luminosi... said...

Like all English society in the late 1600s, educated, aristocratic, or a religious person, language is more polite.

Of course, in the 1600s, this city was literally the Sodom of the time. Prostitution, gambling and many other atrocities were common there. So, if you had to guess, some people spoke very eloquently. I expect a little jargon as "something like an approximation of the English language, similar to Cockney exist, unless of course, were in a respected position in the government.

Luminosi... said...

Like all English society in the late 1600s, educated, aristocratic, or a religious person, language is more polite.

Of course, in the 1600s, this city was literally the Sodom of the time. Prostitution, gambling and many other atrocities were common there. So, if you had to guess, some people spoke very eloquently. I expect a little jargon as "something like an approximation of the English language, similar to Cockney exist, unless of course, were in a respected position in the government.

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