Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Malarone More Drug_side_effects How Long Would I Have To Live In Ghana In Order To No Longer Need To Take A Malaria Medicine Such As Malarone?

How long would I have to live in Ghana in order to no longer need to take a malaria medicine such as Malarone? - malarone more drug_side_effects

How long does it take to get a resistance against malaria, so that should not prevent the malaria drugs?


KatieP said...

You should always preventive medication, provided it is in Ghana.

Some people may be able to have a natural resistance, but only if they are constantly exposed to malaria, since the children were still small, and only if they live in a stable community, where malaria and mosquitoes are present at during the throughout the year, and continues in danger. Its strength depends increasingly exposed to so if you went to a non-endemic area and returned, they must start on drugs.

I'm sorry .. However, you must still take medication, no getting past it. It is possible to develop resistance to malaria, if the above mechanism.

missy said...

have the vaccine at any time, because you can not get the resistance to parasites. Some people are lucky enough to have a natural resistance, if you're not one of them while the vaccine is the best option, no matter how awful they make you feel. take account of prevention is better than cure. I am originally from Ghana, so I know what is malaria.

chiken.f... said...

This answer can not be good with some people, but unless we get an alternative perspective, how do we know about a particular topic, if we are right?

I came from Ghana, myself. I am a student of medicine, with a German doctor, not qualified to examine how a traditional healer in Ghana.

I understand why you avoid anything that would take anti-malarial drugs do. I was in a chloroquine until there is a debate over whether the drug against Plasmodium malaria resistant to Ghana, I was in the sulfadoxine / pyrimethamine, and a negative reaction. And no other drugs are completely safe and comfortable to wear too. (Let's face it, drugs are controlled poisons - no one wants to take, if they are a better alternative.)

There are natural solutions (herbal medicine and homeopathy are those who believe that from the beginning). Note (not scientific and anecdotal, I realize) that the physician who become infected with malaria anda few months, malaria, and the healer is rarely (if ever) has done in his life. The first of a pharmaceutical prophylaxis, and the second the use of herbs.

If malaria prophylaxis is obviously something you are interested in pursuing, I suggest you do some research. At the beginning: ... ...
Ultimately, you will see a doctor who will work with this type of disease and natural treatments. If you have lived in Washington state, also have names. Otherwise ... I am not afraid. :)

Physical health in the position of weakness and unregulated, that is, it requires that people be informed and try to use, you find a qualified physician approved. try (perhaps Once done, it's worth.

Proud said...

It is a reasonable question to your doctor, not a group of aliens without a medical certificate. You can search the Internet and get general answers, but only a doctor can answer your questions about your specific medical history.

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