Sunday, December 27, 2009

King Tut Exhibit I Saw The King Tut Exhibit Yesterday. Pictures Were Not Allowed. Why Is This?

I saw the king tut exhibit yesterday. Pictures were not allowed. why is this? - king tut exhibit

I do not understand why we could not take pictures. It is not such a big secret. everyone already knows that the art seems to influence. And there are pictures on the Internet and TV already. I thought she wished to sell their own images to money, so do not be taken. but I see no images on the sale.
So, what could be the reason?


Carlos R said...

They argue that the intensity of the flash memory, therefore, be destroyed. For it is not just a flash, but thousands of lightning ...
If you have a photo with no flash, no problem.

wizjp said...

He sees this Thursday, unbelievable.

They protect their souvenir photo of the DVD market, just want to sell just a little more and a little more.

Catalog and DVD "s were available in the gift shop with all the PIC on this opinion, very expensive about $ 50 I think

erg322 said...

The media rights to the collection, but could be negotiated in America to help finance the cost of the exhibition.

If it is then exclusive rights, the prohibition of photography would be expected.

Another possibility is a safe state to determine the photos of the exhibition context, a method for preventing the escape, etc., to a total ban.

DJCANSWE... said...

Not likely, for reasons of security. Museums insurance, if you see items from other museums and the insurer in May make the condition safe. If you're going to steal some of the items would be pictures of the launch to be very useful in planning a group.

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